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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Developing scared software

This is something that I've begin to notice and have a real problem with. Now, it may not be you but you know SOMEONE that has done this. A problem/issue arises or there is a deprecated library call that is being used. It is something that has been working for quite sometime but might be either holding back new features because it is no longer supported; or it's not broken enough to force someone to fix it. This is where the people come in and say "well this needs to be fixed" but they never make any changes to it.

Sometimes this is accompanied by a "it's in a library" or is followed up with "we'll fix it at some point in the future when we have to." So why is this an issue with me? Easy, it's a lame excuse; if you see that there is a problem YOU, as the developer, should be man enough to step up and fix the issue that is starting at you. Yes, I do understand that there are processes and bugs that need to be prioritized; but if you see that it is an issue then you should make the case to find time to fix it.

I've seen this from a few different developers and it kills me when I hear it. "Oh yea, I'd love to replace that." Really? If you would love to do it, then do it. Especially if you see the problem and you know what the acceptable fix is; this means that you've already thought out a plan to fix the issue and as such you should put your fingers to work fixing the issue. Your users may not thank you, but your peers will once they see that you're working to make the product easier (hopefully with your fix) to maintain.

The reason that I call this scared software is that the software is coded, almost on eggshells, in a way that no one really wants to make big changes to it. Thus, to get a new feature (or to perform a bug fix) many people will end up writing tons more code to work around the issues that no one wants to fix. The solution is simple; if you see an issue or see an improvement, do it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bugs are a part of life; and users will hate you regardless

Something that I consistently have issues with is the support (or lack there of) for development groups by the end users. It is consistent that I hear complaints about products, and of course I'm not just speaking directly towards MY product, that it's "unstable" or "unusable" or that it is a "worthless piece of garbage." Many of these I've heard for software such as Microsoft Windows; or some other piece of software that has a tendency to crash. The product that I am currently working on is a fairly stable product although it has its own issues. Now I can understand and even empathize with crashes that can occur from day-to-day usage of software. People bring up applications such as Apache, to which I pleasantly remind them that Apache does a fork() and creates new processes constantly to handle requests. If a fork crashes, it continues on its merry way; with a GUI based application there really isn't a whole lot to fall back on which is why you see "death" if something bad occurs.

So what do I mean when I say that I empathize? It means, I'm sorry you found an issue and I realize that it is a problem. If you can put in a bug within our bug tracking system, I will be more than happy to track it down and fix it in a future build. Now this ends up with 3 scenarios; the first is the happy scenario where the user creates the bug and you fix it and they are happy. The 2nd scenario is the more likely; something else more pressing comes up (maybe they never crashed in the same manner again, but some other fire is burning and you need to throw some water on it). At which point the user comes back 3 months later and goes, "what's up with this bug? You asked me to put it in and you haven't fixed it."

Now you could have the best come back ever with "well, an issue was found that was deleting everything from our data store and I had to work to get that fixed which cropped up 10 other issues and in each case again stuff was being deleted from random data stores." Your user will still complain that you have not fixed the issue that THEY put in. I've tried this in multiple ways where instead I would create the bug; but that just seems to exacerbate the issue because the user will come back and complain that you didn't enter the information correctly and that the issue THEY saw was not the issue that you KNOW is there.

Now there is the 3rd scenario which is also more likely than the 1st where you fix the issue. Let's say that there is another 2 week ~ 2 months before a release and the user comes back and asks you if the issue is fixed; you will then explain that it is scheduled to be released. The user then walks away feeling cheated because it has been "fixed" but yet they see NO output; only that their bug has been "fixed." The user, from that point on, begins to get weary about submitting bugs since they don't actually see these fixes and by the time there is a release they have already forgotten about it. This is the one that I see the most; and as time goes on, the users usually become disappointed with the software since they consistently see bugs but don't really get instant gratification that the bug was fixed.

It doesn't matter how many bugs you fix; or how difficult the bugs are that you have fixed. You will always be known as the person who fixes the stuff that they broke to begin with. The only real way to help you to save the relationships with the clients is to make sure you are talking with your end users as often as you can. Finding out how the end users are working with the software, determining whether they are having issues with the software and getting feedback. The best way to determine how usable an application is, is to actually use the software. This is extremely difficult in many circumstances if the software that you are writing requires a high skill level to effectively use. The consumers of our product are GCIA certificate Security Analysts; it would be difficult for every developer (who did not have a security background) to actually go and analyze traffic logs.

The other side is to hide bug tracking as much as possible; there are always complaints about the way the software works; but things like crashes should have automated reporting. This shields the consumers from actually having to create the bug and become invested into a bug (whereby they will care about the state of that specific bug) and thus have no expectations of when that bug might be fixed. You can see this during crash reporting in Windows or KDE where we see the crash reporter popup asking if we want to submit the crash report to Microsoft or KDE respectively. This allows the developers to look into the issues from a completely object standpoint rather than having a bug which was written by an angry user who had been writing a document for a client which then crashed right before they saved which says

Hey, your crap software crashed when I was writing my document; thanks for wasting 2 hours of my time! Fix it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Development Within a VM

I know what you're going to say, this post is so lame because we all know that virtualization is the only way to develop. But actually this is not what I am going to cover. Instead, I'm going to cover actually doing development within a VM environment. Doing the coding and building within that VM environment.

So here is the question; why would I want to do the actual development within a VM? The obvious draw to VM's is to allow a developer to simulate multiple machines at the same time which can then be reverted to a previously working state. So why do the development in a VM? Well pretty much for the same reason that one would do testing and QA in a VM environment.

For example, let us assume that we have a 1GB VM in Linux (mainly because this is what I program in). Let's also assume that I keep my E-Mail and IM in my underlying OS (let's assume that this is Windows) because I love the clients. So the question is why would I do this? The answer is pretty subtle; if you think about what your IDE and compiler can do for you and also knowing that there are tons of issues that you can experience with both of these. For example, if you do an upgrade you aren't going to be rolling back (mainly because this isn't an option) assuming that possibly an upgrade broke your library.

Let's take another example though; what would happen if your IDE went nuts and began hanging (let's assume that it's trying to download your entire SVN code repository or that it's trying to download every bug you've ever worked on). Or maybe your bug tracking software runs extremely slowly; this causes your IDE to hang everytime it goes to update it's local bug store. Well, if you have your development environment contained within a VM, there is no need to worry that all is lost. In my instance, I would still have access to my E-Mail/IM and would not be completely useless until my IDE responded.

Currently I am running the new VirtualBox, and it has fantastic implementations within Linux and Windows and works pretty well. I'm going to be doing development within VM's for a while and will be doing it at work as well. Now, if you have a separate box that you connect to for your development needs; then this really doesn't apply to you. But it is pretty close to what using a VM for development is.