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Sunday, April 24, 2011

How much is too much dereferencing?

This is mainly focused in any language where you can have composite classes or structures. Just to explain this, where you have classes inside of classes or structs inside of struct. Consider the following.

C Example with single inside struct

struct inside {
int i;
struct outside {
struct inside i;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct outside o;
o.i.i = 10;
return 0;

Does this really make sense when we look at
? If it does, let's look if we changed inside like the following.

C Example with deeper inside struct

struct deeperinside {
int i;
struct inside {
struct deeperinside i;

Now, we call the internal i as o.i.i.i which becomes pretty unruly. Obviously using the same variable name each time would be pretty terrible. But even changing the name doesn't always help. Let's see what happens if each element is actually a pointer.

C Example with deeper inside struct pointers

struct deeperinside {
int i;
struct inside {
struct deeperinside *i;
struct outside {
struct inside *i;
struct outside *o;

So now we reference the int i from deeperinside as o->i->i->i This is completely unreadable, so let's see what happens if we at least add some casting.

C Example Access to deepinside variable

((struct deeeperinside *((struct inside *)(o->i))->i))->i

Although at least you can understand this, it becomes completely unreadable; so what is the answer here? How about we create some temp variables that can be used to store our inner variables?

C Example Access to deepinside variable through temp variables

struct inside *tempinside = o->i;
struct deeperinside *tempdeeperinside = tempinside->i;

Notice that this becomes much more readable and understandable. This allows the people who will be maintaining the code much happier and faster to find/fix issues as they may arise. Now I've been focusing mainly in C but this also applies to languages such as Java. Why Java? Because A) it's the language that many programmers are programming in today; and B) it's much easier to encapsulate classes inside of classes (and is usually encouraged). By bringing up the idea of how we deal with accessors to these inside classes we can ensure that people at least understand how they can better display them to make them more manageable.

Another option in an actual OO language would be to encapsulate those objects, this in and of itself means that those o.i.i.i would turn into o.getI().getI().getI() which again makes no sense; are those composite classes (classes that encapsulate a class of the same type)?

Remember, making code reusable is good; making code understandable is much more important!