Now I could do the normal explanation and just say that it is a pointer to a pointer. But wait, what in the hell does that mean!? This is the big question that I had when I first got started in pointers. So let's see how to define a double pointer.
int **x;
Really? That's it? It cannot be that simple; oh but it is. Now the fun comes; what happens if I dereference x? We get an int pointer. HUH!? I thought when we dereferenced a pointer we got the type back! Remember that when we dereference a pointer we get the variable back that the pointer referenced. Oh my god, here he goes again making no sense! STOP and take a deep breath. Think about it; what is a pointer? It's a variable that holds a memory address.
| 8 bytes, s**t |
^ 0x01 0x09 ^
So let's assume that we have a variable x that is a pointer. That pointer contains the address 0x01; so when we try to dereference that pointer *x; we end up with the variable that exists AT 0x01. So where does x live? it IS a variable right? So that means that it MUST have a memory location!
| 4 bytes, ugh |
^ 0x11 0x15 ^
So let's assume that our variable x lives at 0x11. And inside of those 4 bytes is the memory location 0x01. Now here is the cool part; what if I wanted a reference TO x? Then you need a pointer to THAT pointer; and hence is born the double pointer. BRAIN EXPLOSION! You'll be fine, let's not get into the WHY would I do this; but rather the how does it work. So let's say we have a the following.
int i = 10;
int *x;
int **y;
As we saw from my previous post, x = &i; means that *x and i are the same variable. This means that if we do *x = 20, then we know that i = 20. Now here is the mind blowing part, y = &x means that *y = x and **y = i. OH MY GOD!? Holy crap, how can that be? Remember each time you dereference a variable you treat the contents of the variable as a variable itself. The only reason that we know it is an integer is because we define the pointer as an int *.
Ok, so that makes sense; I can have a pointer that points to another pointer. But the big question is WHY? Why would I ever care to do this!? Well there are two main reasons; the first and biggest reason is multidimensional arrays, another is to create iterators, and also to create variables. Remember in the previous post we said what? Pointers are used for dynamic arrays. So having a dynamic array of pointers is a dynamic array of dynamic arrays. Let's look at this.
V 0x01 V 0x09
LAYER 1 | 0 | 1 |
V-^ ^-----V
_______ _______
LAYER 2 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 |
------- -------
^ 0x09 ^ 0x17
So I denoted these as layers, essentially you are dealing with a variable such as var[LAYER1][LAYER2]. This means that you have an array of 2 members; each of those members containing an array of 2 members.
So what does the memory layout look like? Well for the variable var, we are actually a pointer that contains the memory address 0x01. Here we can reference either member 1 var[0] or member 2 var[1]. Each of these are pointers that contain memory addresses. For example, if we reference var[0] we have a reference to member 1 var[0][0] or member 2 var[0][1]. OH SHIT!! This is freakin' awesome; being able to create dynamic multi-dimensional arrays is freakin' fantastic!
But wait... There's more! So what about iterators. The biggest way to show this is through an iteration over a character array. Remember that char *'s are C versions of strings. So now, what happens if we wanted to send a character pointer and move to the next space. So we take a pointer to the head of the char *, then we pass the memory location of the new variable to our function.
char *c = "Oh damn, this sucks!";
char *cp = c;
Remember that cp will just hold a pointer to the variable c. So let's look at two things, first is the calling of the function.
As well as the function definition.
void next_space(char **p) {
for( ; **p != ' ' && **p != '\0'; (*p)++ ) { }
HOLY SHIT! Wait a second though, why does (*p)++ work? Easy, we dereference from the double pointer p, and we increment the original variable cp from the caller. How does **p become a character? Oh right; because * dereferences a variable, then we end up with the original cp[0] variable since it is the same as **p!
So you had said creating variables; how does that work? Oh yes, this is pretty cool, terrible stuff! I say cool because you can create API's that utilize them quite well; terrible because if you don't do it right or if people don't understand what you are trying to do they can create HUGE memory leaks. Let's look at an example. We have a pointer char * because we want to store a string.
char *c;
Now let's assume that have a general string that we want to store into c, we have a function store_string() that we call like below.
store_string(&c, "Hello World");
So now let's look at the store_string definition.
void store_string(char **ptr, char *str) {
*ptr = malloc(strlen(str) * sizeof(char));
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i <= strlen(str); i++) {
(*ptr)[i] = str[i];
OH SHIT!? Yea that's right! Now here is the best part; we can clean up the variable and set it to NULL FOR THE CALLER!!
So what could this awesomeness look like!?
void clear_string(char **ptr) {
*ptr = NULL;
OH MAN THAT IS THE GREATEST SH**T EVER! Yea, yea; here is the key to double pointers and of course ANY pointers is knowing when and where to use them. I've seen double pointers used in some of the worst places ever; as well as pointers. Remember the less you deal with allocating the memory for the pointers; the less likely you are to create large memory leaks! And don't expect me to feel sorry for you if you try to create a "cool" API that takes in a double pointer and generates your multi-dimensional array and you end up loosing tons of memory. Remember, YOU NEED TO FREE EACH OF YOUR POINTERS THAT YOUR POINTERS REFER TOO!
My point of saying this isn't to scare you; but to ensure that you are thinking up a good use case for creating the double pointer!
I am not going to cover single/double void pointers; if you want to use void pointers you need to learn how to do casting and you really need to figure out a way to determine what datatype you are dealing with in the void pointer. Why? Because you cannot dereference a void pointer! This means if you have void *ptr; with an array of int's you cannot say ptr[x]. Why? Because you cannot dereference the void *, because void has no size so there is no size for the offset of ptr. If you said ((int *)ptr)[x] then it will work because you've changed the data type from (void *) to (int *). We will cover pseudo-inheritance in C probably in the next post.
I find that I am doing better posting when I am drunk; I find that I am much more outgoing and much more social when I am drunk. As such, I'll be blogging while I'm (at least partially) drunk so that I can make the information fun and exciting! If you find that I am boring while I'm drunk; please let me know and I'll be sure to try harder on the next blog!